LosslessBob LB-3859
5/17/66Manchester Free Trade Hall1A-45min

electric half only (8 tunes - 45 min), 17May1966, This is seeded here only for the 'everything' crowd and maybe as nostagia for a few old fans, because a complete and better quality version of the show has been officially released as "Bob Dylan Live 1966 -- Bootleg Series Vol 4"., This tape surfaced with no documentation and was usually circulated as "London '66"-- because "Unknown date and location" would be confused with other recordings from the same noplace and because maybe this was, or would tend to loosen up, a previously-rumored London recording. Oh well., This runs with even more speed than the official version., First seeded on Dylantree July 2006. Please do not reseed elsewhere without this info file and any good comments., Lowgen

bittorrent download 07/06
1- Tell Me, Momma, What Is It? What's Wrong With You This T-i-i-i-ime?, 2- I Don't Believe You, 3- Baby Let Me Follow You Down, 4- Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues, 5- Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat, 6- One Too Many Mornings, 7- Ballad Of A Thin Man, 8- Like A Rolling Stone
Year 1966
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