LosslessBob LB-8415
4/20/94Champaign, Illinois2A64min+38min

net taper A, ?? -> portable DATrecorder - clone -> (digital transfer) m-audio delta audiophile 2496, -> Wavelab -> ssrc -> Wavelab, levels raised -> cdwave for tracking -> tlh, I did not harm the sound of the recording in any way

bittorrent download 03/10; different recording than mjs LB-2497 based on different crowd at end of d1t2; in comparison this is warmer sound and that is more upfront sound; excellent sound [A]
static d1t2 4:27, comment: "d1t2 cut at 4:27, the lyrics "could've carved out" are missing, the full lyric is: Michelangelo indeed -->could've carved out<-- your features"
1 intro, 2 Jokerman, 3 Lay Lady Lay, 4 All Along The Watchtower, 5 Disease Of Conceit, 6 Tangled Up In Blue, 7 Watching The River Flow, 8 Mama, You Been On My Mind, 9 Masters Of War, 10 Don't Think Twice, It's All Right, 1 God Knows, 2 I And I, 3 Maggie's Farm, 4 Ballad Of A Thin Man, 5 It Ain't Me, Babe
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Year 1994
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