Bob Dylan, 12/7/64, Bob Blackmar interview, Long Beach, California, 1CDR LB-9882, (13min), lowgen version "c", Dec 1964, This is a first-gen copy I received in the 1970s from the taper, a student at a college in Santa Barbara who, had no precise date for the recording. This is slightly edited from my previous seed on Dime., On the recording, Dylan asks the taper about his college town, so after the tape circulated some dope decided, that the recording was actually made in Santa Barbara although on careful listening this can't be true., Since a precise date was also added, I suppose the dope is probably Heylin, who is infamous for his made-up dates., The first dope published his dopey correction and none of the dopey copy-sheep have cared enough to, listen carefully. But it's surely from Long Beach. And undated. And maybe broadcast / maybe not., /Lowgen Jan 2012 --------------------------------------------------- bittorrent download 01/12; very similar sound to LB-9227; ; (did not listen to all of this) --------------------------------------------------- Please retain this info file and its LB number as a marker for this lossless set and if you spread it please list it in the description to avoid others getting duplicates