Bob Dylan, 6/15/22, Los Angeles, CA, LB-15540, rob s jems, Rob S Master via JEMS, 1644 Edition, Recording Gear: Nakamichi CM-700 Microphones > Naiant Tinybox > Sony PCM A10, JEMS Transfer: Master 24/96 .wav > Ozone 8 > flac > 16/44, Dylan coming to town provided an occasion to pull out the old gear, some new gear, and start taping again. Not me mind you, but Rob S. He has the bug to keep the fine art of audience recording going, as well as the fortitude to beat security which he did two nights at Pantages., For this, the second of three nights there, Rob was about two-thirds of the way back on the main floor (row QQ) and makes an excellent pull with a relatively cooperative audience around him. We dusted off Jared's old Nak 700s and they still sound as good as they did during his taping heyday. Not sure how it compares to other recordings of this tour, but I would think it is right up there., As for Dylan's performance, to call it an acquired taste would be generous. Is he challenging the audience or just not capable of musicality any longer? I saw the show the next night (where "Every Grain of Sand" returned to the set in place of "Friend of the Devil") and acknowledge Bob's voice being stronger than at some of the mid 2000s NET shows I saw., However, I asked myself the following question, which sits at the heart of why we record and collect live recordings in the first place: Was there a song performance that you can't wait to hear again through the magic of bootlegging? For me (and if we're all being honest with ourselves, surely many other Dylan fans) that answer is unequivocally no., If only to see the master on stage again one more time is a reason to see the show. The art, not so much., Rob S also recorded the third night, though it is not a complete recording. If nothing superior surfaces we'll get that up too at some point., Thanks to Rob S for sneaking in the gear and recording. I love to see parts of the old JEMS rig getting used again. Your passion to keep doing this warms my heart. Also to slipkid68 for prepping the show on short notice., BK for JEMS --------------------------------------------------- bittorrent download 06/22; did not review this --------------------------------------------------- 01 Intro, 02 Watching The River Flow, 03 Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine), 04 I Contain Multitudes, 05 False Prophet, 06 When I Paint My Masterpiece, 07 Black Rider, 08 I'll Be Your Baby Tonight, 09 My Own Version of You, 10 Crossing The Rubicon, 11 To Be Alone With You, 12 Key West (Philosopher Pirate), 13 Gotta Serve Somebody, 14 I've Made Up My Mind To Give Myself To You, 15 Melancholy Mood, 16 Mother of Muses, 17 Goodbye Jimmy Reed, 18 Friend Of The Devil --------------------------------------------------- Please retain this info file and its LB number as a marker for this lossless set and if you spread it please list it in the description to avoid others getting duplicates